A venturi meter allows one to calculate the flow rate of a liquid through a pipe by measuring the pressure drop across a constricted section (the "choke") and using Bernoulli's equation. In this simulation, water flows through a pipe whose inner diameter is 20 mm, and whose choke is 8 mm. The manometers along the pipe show the pressure in mm H2O. A pump and valve is assumed to be located before the inlet. A slider is used to adjust the valve position, controlling flow rate through the venturi meter. Click on the "show volumetric flow rate" box to display or hide the volumetric flow rate. Click on the "include fluid friction" box to introduce or remove friction in the pipe.
This simulation was created in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, at University of Colorado Boulder for LearnChemE.com by Neil Hendren under the direction of Professor John L. Falconer. This simulation was prepared with financial support from the National Science Foundation. Address any questions or comments to learncheme@gmail.com. This simulation is based on a desktop learning module developed at the School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering at Washington State University (https://labs.wsu.edu/educ-ate/desktop-learning-modules/fluid-mechanics-kit/).
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