This simulation shows \(P-x-y\) and \(T-x-y\) diagrams for vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of a benzene/ethanol mixture. This liquid mixture is non-ideal, and the system has an azeotrope (a condition where liquid and vapor have the same composition). The blue curve represents the liquid-phase boundary (bubble point), and the green curve represents the vapor-phase boundary (dew point). Use the slider to vary the temperature for the \(P-x-y\) diagram and the pressure for \(T-x-y\) diagram. Click and drag the black dot to change the benzene mole fraction and the temperature or pressure.
The bar chart shows the moles of liquid (blue) and vapor (green) in equilibrium and the mole fraction of benzene in each phase (\(x_B\) for liquid phase, \(y_B\) for vapor phase). The system contains a total of 1 mole. The activity coefficients used in the modified Raoult's law are calculated using the two-parameter Margules model.
This simulation was created in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, at University of Colorado Boulder for by Rachael Baumann under the direction of Professor John L. Falconer and was converted to HTML5 by Patrick Doyle, with additional contributions by Neil Hendren. Address any questions or comments to All of our simulations are open source, and are available on our LearnChemE Github repository.
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