This simulation calculates the heat transfer rate and temperature profiles in a concentric tube heat exchanger that can be operated in either parallel or countercurrent flow (selected with Flow type dropdown menu). The cold fluid, liquid water fed at 300K, flows through the center of the tube, and the hot fluid, which is fed at 400K, flows through the annular region. The type of hot fluid (liquid water, air, or liquid sodium) is selected from the dropdown menu. Hot and cold fluid flow rates are selected with sliders. The heat exchanger length is changed using the slider.
This simulation was created in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, at University of Colorado Boulder for by Rachael Baumann under the direction of Professor John L. Falconer, with additional contributions Nathan S. Nelson, and was converted to HTML5 by Patrick Doyle, with additional contributions by Neil Hendren. Address any questions or comments to All of our simulations are open source, and are available on our LearnChemE Github repository.
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