In this simulation, a trayed absorption column is used to remove an impurity solute (chloroform) from a gas feed by absorbing the inpurity in a liquid solvent. The number of trays/stages needed to obtain an outlet solute mole ratio of y1 ppm in the gas stream (set with a slider) is calculated. A stage is a plate that contacts the liquid solvent and the gas to promote transfer. Use a slider to set the solute mole ratio x0 of the liquid feed stream. When a partial stage is calculated, the number of stages is rounded down to the nearest full stage. Use sliders to change the pressure and temperature in the column, the liquid solvent molar flow rate L and the solute mole ratio in the gas feed, yN+1. The vapor molar flow rate is fixed at 1 Mmol/h. The slope of the pink operating line is L/V. Checking the "(L/V)min" boxs shows the minimum slope for the operating line; the desired separation would require an infinite number of stages at a lower slope. The equilibrium line is orange. Check the "show diagram with 5 stages" to set conditions that require 5 stages and display the mole ratios entering and leaving each stage. Move your mouse over the pink and orange lines on the x-y diagram to see their labels.
This simulation was created in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, at University of Colorado Boulder for by Rachael Baumann and Adam Johnston under the direction of Professor John L. Falconer and was converted to HTML5 by Patrick Doyle, with additional contributions by Neil Hendren. This simulation was prepared with financial support from the National Science Foundation. Address any questions or comments to All of our simulations are open source, and are available on our LearnChemE Github repository.
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