This simulation shows laminar flow over an isothermal, flat plate where the plate temperature \( T_s \) is greater than the free stream fluid temperature \(T_∞ \). The hydrodynamic effects or thermal effects can be studied by switching the boundary type, either velocity or temperature, using the dropdown menu. Both boundary types are plotted against normalized position along the length of the plate, where \(x_{crit} \) is the critical location for transition from laminar to turbulent flow.
When the velocity boundary is selected, the boundary layer thickness \(\delta(x)\) is plotted on the upper plot. Additionally, the velocity profile inside the boundary layer (\(x \)-component of velocity \(u\) with height \(y\) above the plate) is plotted with respect to the selected \(x/x_{crit}\) value that can be adjusted with the slider. The slope of the velocity profile at the surface of the plate \(\partial u / \partial y |_{y=0} \), is plotted as a function of \(x/x_{crit}\) and is shown in the lower left plot. The nondimensional quantity local coefficient of friction \(C_{f,x}\) is plotted as a function of \(x/x_{crit}\) and is shown in the lower middle plot. The lower right plot shows the location convection coefficient as a function of position for a specific fluid and flow velocity.
When the temperature boundary is selected, the thermal boundary layer thickness \(\delta_t(x)\) is plotted on the upper plot over \(x/x_{crit}\). Additionally, the temperature profile inside the boundary layer (fluid temperature \(T\) with height \(y\) above the plate is plotted at the selected position \(x/x_{crit}\). The slope of the temperature profile at the surface of the plate \(\partial T/ \partial y|_{y=0}\), is plotted as a function of \(x/x_{crit}\) in the lower left plot. The nondimensional quantity local Nusselt number \(Nu_x\) is plotted as a function of \(x/x_{crit}\) in the lower middle plot. The local convection coefficient \(h_x \) as a function of \(x/x_{crit}\) is shown in the lower right plot. The average convection coefficient between the leading edge and the position of \(x/x_{crit}\), \(\bar{h}_{0-x}\), is related to the integral of \(h_x\) and is indicated. The Prandtl number can be selected with the dropdown menu to observe how it affects \(\delta_t\), \(\partial T/\partial y|_{y=0}\), \(Nu_x\), \(h_x\), and \(\bar{h}_{0-x}\). To learn more about the equations governing this simulation, press the "Details" button.
This simulation was created in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, at University of Colorado Boulder for by Keith Regner and was converted to HTML5 by Patrick Doyle, with additional contributions by Neil Hendren. This simulation was prepared with financial support from the National Science Foundation. Address any questions or comments to All of our simulations are open source, and are available on our LearnChemE Github repository.
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